Carolyn Wild share regular posts of the Fool’s Journey through the Major Arcana.Chakra Wisdom Tarot by Tori Hartman.
Tori’s Tarot Deck does a lovely job of telling this beautiful story of the Fool’s Journey.
The Adventure Begins:
The roots of our Fool’s gown illustrates her connection to earth. Although they are a part of her essential being, she will need to break Free from these roots in order to travel the path ahead. The journey begins with her, and she is us.
First Chakra Message: This first chakra card reveals our arrival, with the beliefs, challenges and natural characteristics we receive from our genes, and so fits nicely into the grounding aspect of the root chakra. Our roots are where we source our life from. Transplant your roots, change your life.
Indication: Rooted in beliefs that: you will need to break free from. Family restrictions. Choosing a new route in life.
Keywords: Beginning, journey, risk, naivety, starting afresh, newness, bravery.
Reversed: Staying stuck in the past, feeling isolated, chronic health issues, indecision, staying connected only to what is familiar in the present.
Planet: Sun: The self, survival. Our basic nature, inherited. The Fool in the first chakra is like your sun sign. It is your basic nature right now at the time of this reading. What is your current outlook? Your temperament?
Meditation: If there is no need to stay attached to a past that no longer defines you, is it time to choose a new route? What kind of foundation do you need to build your life?
Next steps: With no knowledge of the world or what she will need, the Fool will venture on to discover her emotional power. If feelings are conjured, will she need a Magician? Will you?